We are Asfe (Fife) members. And this, what does it mean?
Gobbolino is a Fédération Internationale Féline (Fife) member through Asociación Felina Española (Asfe). And that, what does it mean?:
Fife is a 67-year-old organisation. It is a federation of national members representing, at present, 40 countries, in which Fife is present through different clubs and organisation. In Spain, Asfe is the Fife representative.
As Fife members, breeders commit to follow Fife rules with regards to the breed standards, breeding, registration, shows and other aspects related to cat breeding.
Fife is not the only organisation of this kind, there are others as TICA, CFA or WCF, that are organised, more or less, geographycally. All of them try to rule cat breeding establishing the best practices that preserve the best interests of these animals.
For further information regarding Asfe (Fife) breeding and registration rules, please, see the link below: